My Back-Pack Died

It was inevitable.
The back-pack that I'd had for six years finally died yesterday. First, a zipper broke, then a small tear kept getting bigger.
It couldn't be depended upon to transport an i-Pod or cell phone or Chinese food.
I had really put this back-pack to lots of use during these past six years and he had served me very well. Last winter, he carried my hockey skates so that I could get in an hour's skating after work on cold, dark nights.
Whenever I flew, he carried everything I'd need just in case the airline lost my baggage.
He carried countless lunches to work, many of which I'd forgotten to eat for a few days. I'm bad about that.
And now, I had to say good-bye. I felt really sad, sort of like the Tom Hanks character felt about Wilson-the-volleyball in Castaway.
I couldn't just throw him away, willy nilly. So, I wrapped him in a shroud (a plastic bag from Target) and ceremoniously dropped him down the trash chute.
Sigh . . .
On the third day, the garbage chute door was rolled away!
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