Thursday, November 05, 2009

Jasmine Green Tea

A couple of months ago, I was with my friends eating at our most favoritest restaurant in the WWW (whole wide world), Lao Sze Chuan in Chinatown.

I sort of have an obsessive fear of being late for anything -- which really means I arrive inordinately early for everything. As usual, I had 30 minutes to kill so I decided to nose around in the various food shops in Chinatown while waiting for my friends. Yes, I can multi-task. (Dried squid air-bladders – hey, neat!)

I found this box of jasmine green tea that sounded really tasty. It had an even tastier price at $4.95 for 100 teabags. (“teabags” - - that’s funny.)

I brought it to work with me because I like to drink iced tea all afternoon. My desk drawer is festooned with no less that six different herbal varieties, along with three variations on an antihistimine theme, four kinds of lip balm, various denominations of stamps and two ceramic puppies. This would just add one more to the bunch.

Oh my goodness, this was the best tea EVER. To me, green tea doesn’t have much flavor and I’m not about to jump on the anti-oxidant bandwagon just because it’s good for you. (Mark my words. Ten years from now we’ll be advised to drink as much vodka as possible in order to cut down on the excessive amounts of anti-oxidants we’ve built up in our bodies.)

Anyway, this tea was incredible and it’s all I’ve been drinking for the past few weeks. Normally, I go through about four teabags (that’s funny) a day, so I soon realized I was close to running out. I tried to remember which food shop it was in Chinatown where I got this. I couldn’t remember to save me – they all look alike to me.

So, I hopped on the interwebs and found it here for $3.52 for a box of 100 teabags (hee-hee!).

I ordered six boxes which was just a little over twenty bucks for a huge supply.

I love it when I can come across good deals like that. Now I can happily be tea-bagging at work for a long time to come.


  1. Huh huh, you said tea bags. :)

  2. co-workers talk about tea bags all the time and I never see any actual tea being drunk.

  3. What IS it that causes you to laugh whenever you had to type "teabags"? (*giggles*) I don't get it! (*wink wink, nudge nudge*)
