Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I know this isn't much of an entry, but I made a promise to the blog gods that I would write every day during National Blog Posting Month.

I drove to Peoria last night after work for a work-related meeting this morning. Then I had a work-related lunch at the Crab Shack in Peoria. The crawfish buckets were ten dollars off today because the crawfish were about to go bad. Then I drove back to Chicago.

Now, I'm very very tired and want to sleep.


It will eat you up and spit you out if you're not careful.


  1. "Peoria.

    It will eat you up and spit you out if you're not careful."

    Or, it might just be the bad crawfish.

    just sayin'.

  2. It's stone crab season here ~ my favorites but damned if I can find a restaurant that is serving them yet. You'd think living so close to the beach, it would be easy.
