Friday, November 06, 2009

Coconut & Lime Verbena Shampoo

While in Peoria for the umpteenth time the other day, I actually used the little bitty bottle of hotel shampoo. Normally, I bring my own shampoo in a little 3 oz. bottle because, that way, I know what I’m getting and my hair doesn’t end up smelling like Essence of Kiwi & Weasel Extract.

Also, during all my many business trips, I collect all the little bitty bottles of shampoo, conditioner, soap, facial creams until I have a giant box of them and then I donate them to a women’s shelter.

Well, that is my intention anyway. Right now, I just have a giant box of the stuff and it's getting gianter with every trip.

Anyway, my own little bottle of shampoo was empty and so I used the hotel’s shampoo which turned out to be Coconut & Lime Verbena Volumizing Shampoo.

Oh my goodness, my hair loved it.

Normally, I have really oily hair -- like an otter – but this shampoo made it so very soft and fluffy. All this time, I’ve been using plain ol’ Suave Clarifying Shampoo that costs something like $1.49 for a two-liter bottle at Walgreen’s. I wanted this Fancy Hotel Shampoo now.

But I only had the little bitty 1 oz bottle of the stuff. Whatever shall I do?

I googled it.

I think that whatever the problem, googling it solves everything.

Can’t think of words to a song?

Google it.

Does Olestra really cause anal seepage?

Google it.

Want a photo of Alanis Morrisette during the Toronto years when she looked like an orangutan?

Google it.

Just googling “coconut lime verbena shampoo” got me to the website that sells it. (Bath and Body Works.)

I have six bottles on the way.

My gosh, we are so spoiled these days.

Oh, and here is Alanis Morrisette during the Toronto years.


  1. All praise to the Google!

  2. LOL! I'm still laughing at those pictures.

    And Bath & Body Works, really? That stuff is expensive!

  3. L'Occitaine has an awesome line of verbena products. I agree--one of the best scents around.

  4. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Go to a good place and purchase some nice shampoo. It will do you well. And your hair will SO smile.

  5. Was I the only one who thought, "Put de lime in de coconut and drink it all up.."??? Now I'll have that song stuck in my head all night. Thanks.

    The plain ol’ Suave Clarifying Shampoo was most likely the cause of your otter-like hair condition. I'm SO proud you dropped a dime for some decent hair product. (big smile)
