Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Sears Tower

Today was a beautiful autumn Saturday. Not wanting to waste it, I decided to walk across downtown to the Sears Tower in order to visit the new glass skyboxes on the 103rd floor. I figured that with Summer being long gone, there wouldn’t be many tourists crowding the place.

I’ve really been wanting to visit this new exhibit called “The Ledge” which consists of a glass box that hangs out from the observation deck that you can stand in. I also wanted to take some videos and photos of the experience.

I charged up my camera, got up early wanting to beat the crowds, walked all the way across downtown, (after stopping at Starbucks for a cafe Americano -- I'm not an animal, after all) only to discover there was a huge, long line of folks waiting to get through security.

This was an incredibly long line and it was moving about as fast as a glacier.
There were Cro-Magnons at the front of it.

That was just to get through security. Then you had to purchase your tickets. Then you had to take the elevator to the top. I could only imagine how impossible it would be to try and get into one of the few skyboxes.

I went home.

Stupid tourists. They ruined my plans.

I think that there should be an express line to the top of the Sears Tower for the residents of Chicago. Let the tourists be tourists -- but they shouldn’t impinge on our ability to visit our city when we want to.

On second thought, I’ll go visit the Sears Tower on a cold, Chicago wintery day when it’s ten below zero -- like a REAL Chicagoan.


  1. Living near Hershey, PA, I feel your pain. You can never go to your favorite restaurants anytime close to tourist infiltration dates. I aa bitter too. You are not alone. Same thing with Gettysburg. Tourists ruin everything. *sigh*

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    That photo made me dizzy and fall out of my chair. Makes the BOT looks tame by comparison.

    "Sears Tower Of Terror?"
    "Glass Boxes Of Terror?"

  3. Dude, I still think you're crazy to want to stand on the glass ledge...yikes!

  4. MHP: When JP comes here to visit next time, we'll all go to the Sears Tower together.

    Won't that be fun??
