Monday, July 02, 2007

Lorraine and Family

Lorraine and her family are here!
Loving it!
Pure, unalloyed joy.

I still can't believe how much we're enjoying this. The dinner was incredible. Lorraine wrote about it on her site, so go over there and read about it.

Here is Lorraine and Iwanski looking utterly cool:

Lorraine and I did this crazy thing with her hair at the dinner table. This sort of gives you an idea of how well we've "connected."
Today, I took The Child on a fun-filled tour of Chicago. I rented a Mini Cooper Convertible and borrowed my friend's Labrador retriever which only added to the cuteness factor. Here is The Child and Portia, ready to go.
We tooled around the city, just knowing everyone was looking at us and how utterly fantastic we looked in our little convertible. Here is The Child and Portia with Chicago looking fabulous:
Then we took Portia to Doggy Beach and took this happy snap:
And afterward, I was a good uncle and showed The Child how to hail a cab. Such a Big City Girl now!
I'd better watch it. If I have any more fun with these fantastic people, I'm going to require a Thorazine drip.

1 comment:

  1. "Unalloyed joy"...that about sums it up! You'd better watch it or we're going to be moving in!
