Friday, June 29, 2007

This is exciting

I'm excited.
In just a few hours, I'll be picking Lorraine and her family up at Midway airport. We've been blog-buddies for over a year now but have never met in person. It's the 21st century equivalent of meeting your pen pal, face to face, for the first time.

A while back, Lorraine mentioned that she and her family were thinking about a vacation to Chicago to hook up with blog-buddies, sort of a blog-buddy union. I offered to let them stay at my place downtown in hopes that the savings would prompt them to go ahead with the vacation.

It worked. They'll be staying at my place for the week and I'm just tickled to death about that. I'll get to meet Lorraine, The Spouse and The Child. They'll get to hang with Iwanski and Miss Healthypants and it looks like City Mouse might come to our 4th of July party as well.

I've rented a Mini Cooper Convertible for tomorrow with the plan of taking The Child and Portia (a chocolate Lab) on a picture-taking excursion around Chicago. The Child and a chocolate Lab in a Mini Cooper Convertible -- Won't that just be the cutest thing ever?

Lorraine will make one of her gorgeous meals tomorrow night for twelve of us. (I'll be her sous-chef). I think we shall giggle a lot in the kitchen together.

So folks, get ready for the Great Blog Union of '07.

(Damn! I just checked Southwest Airlines. Their flight has already been delayed)

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    You're real now too! make sure my aunt and those seattle folks show you the pictures i posted.
    You definitely got my stamp of friendship approval... I can see why cowa and jonapin are friends with you! I hope we get to hang out more in the future.
