Tuesday, July 03, 2007


As I mentioned yesterday, The Child and I toodled around Chicago in a Mini Cooper Convertible with Portia.

I had specifically rented a Mini Cooper Convertible, but when we punched the button to make the roof go back, it appeared that the car only had a sunroof. VERY disappointing. I suggested that we go get Portia and call the Zipcar place to see if there wasn't something else we should be doing to make the roof go back.

On the way, The Child found the owner's manual in the glove compartment and figured it all out. (When the car is stationery, you punch the button to make the sunroof go back. THEN you press the button again, hold it down, and voila! You have a convertible.) Leave it to a 13-year-old to figure it all out.

When that roof went back, very enthusiastic high-fives ensued.

It couldn't have been more perfect weather. Sunny and cool (i.e. NOT HOT). And there we were in this adorable little convertible, with an adorable dog in the back, and surely the envy of all who saw us in all our fabulosity. I told The Child that I'd lived in Chicago for six years, but I'd never had a Chicago Experience quite like this one.

At one point, we were heading up Lakeshore Drive and I noticed there wasn't any traffic in front of us, so I took a quick video of The Child looking so cool in her snappy convertible, having a Chicago experience.

Portia, not wanting to be outdone, licked the camera. Here it is:



  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Cute! And now I feel like I was there!

  2. Hey! Wait! You were driving! With my kid! And filming a cute video?

    Your mom was so right.
