Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Taste and See

Last night, we all went to "Taste of Chicago" which is a food festival where there are a bazillion food booths and you basically eat everything in sight. (I had a Polish sausage with saurkraut, curried goat, plantains, and mustard-fried catfish - - oink!).

I've lived in Chicago for six years and I've never been to "Taste". Not even once. It's always too hot.

But yesterday, it was unseasonably cool so we all ventured there. We hooked up with the Iwanskis and also (are you ready for this?) City Mouse! And City Mouse's family.

Miss Mouse was utterly charming and fun to be around. Loved her to pieces. It seems that's the way it's been all along with our blog friends. We just adore each other and love being around each other.
Making friends in the 21st century.
Loving. It!

But the best part was that we didn't tell The Child that there was a musical act featuring her favorite "High School Musical." Here's a pic of Lorraine and a just-a-little-bit-overwhelmed Child.
And Lorraine and City Mouse
And then here we all are at Millennium Park. (Again, I've lived here for six years and have never been there) It was a pretty cool place. Tonight, we're having the Trailer Trash Fourth of July Party.

Right now, Lorraine is in my kitchen (God, I LOVE saying that), The Child is playing video games, The Spouse is reading but I'm about to get him engaged in some serious Emerson, Lake & Palmer dialogue (we've discovered a mutual passion for ELP, so he's cool). Lorraine's making true Trailer Trash food: Jell-o salad with fruit cocktail in it, deviled eggs, tater salad, and we're about to start making the corn dogs and batter-fried Twinkies and Hostess Cupcakes. I'll also make forzen watermelon daiqueries. Then, we'll go on the roof and watch the fireworks. Doncha just love it?


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Whoo to the hoo! Jest cain't wate to see u in yer Daisy Dukes!

  2. Jon--- you are too kind
