Friday, May 28, 2010

Fun at Whole Foods

Last night, Miss Healthypants and I went on our usual dinner-and-grocery-shopping-at-Trader-Joe’s evening. That may not sound like the most exciting thing, but we really have fun grocery shopping together. Hilarity usually ensues.

Last night was no different. I needed some fish bones-and-heads in order to make fish stock for a Julia Child recipe I’m trying out. There was a Whole Foods Market nearby and I figured that the fish guy would be able to give me all the fish remains I needed. (He did.) I also needed some mussels for this recipe so I got those too. The fish guy was nice enough to put them on ice and pack it in a big plastic bag for me.

There’s lots of really cool food items to marvel at there at Whole Foods. Miss Healthypants, being from Wisconsin, was particularly enamored with the cheese section. Then we found this display case of Himalayan salt plates which were really expensive.

Various natural soaps had to be sniffed. I explained how to make your own kefir for much cheaper than WFM was charging. We spent quite a bit of time there.

Finally MHP asked if it was time to go. I said, “We’re fine, but don’t forget, I have mussels on ice. Oh my god, that sounds like a gay hockey team!!”

We continued to shop with hilarity. Soooo much fun.

Here are the mussels on ice that caused such a ruckus.

And the lovely fish frame that I was so happy to get.

I seriously doubt that many people have as much fun as we do at the grocery store.


  1. *smiles* We DO have fun! Love you, Dooder!! :)

  2. What is a Himalayan Salt Plate?

    I love that you can sample the cheese. mmmm. And the olives. mmmm.
