Friday, May 28, 2010

The Balcony of Extra Terror

My apartment building is getting a little face lift -- just having the outside of it cleaned and repaired. Anyway, I got off work early and the workers were right outside by 50th floor balcony on their suspended scaffolding. Cool! They posed for photos. This photo is really for JP who, for a long time, has referred to my balcony as the Balcony of Terror.


  1. This photo really did take my breath away. As much as I'd love to stand on your balcony and take in the view ~ the walkway between buildings is more than I could handle.

  2. Balconies are fun.
    That strip of metal held up by string fifty floors above the ground?
    Not so much.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I need to post this picture at my desk, for those days when I'm thinking I really hate my job.
