Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Gorgeous Shade of Blue

For those who know me, I have a "thing" for the color blue. Most of the clothes I wear are blue. Almost all the cars I've owned have been blue. I'm in a constant search for the "perfect" shade of blue.
Here's a photo of a pretty blue truck in Keller, Texas. I'll bet the owner is a man with exquisite taste!
I would love to ask the owner of this truck what shade of blue that is!
It's gorgeous!


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I think it's called Midnight Hate.

  2. Oh, you are too funny! :)

    But I like the color JP came up with. Midnight hate! Funny and yet sad.


  3. Did you see the State of the Union Address? Loved what he said about allowing gays in the military. Noticed though that NONE of the military leaders seemed to happy about it.
