Monday, December 07, 2009

Driving in the Snow

I just called the Rental Car Place to make sure my Chevrolet Magnum-XL is reserved for tomorrow. I’m driving myself and three staff members all the way down to the very tip of Southern Illinois and back for a presentation.
330 miles down there.
It's basically to Louisiana.

It’s the “and back” part of the trip that concerns me a little. The forecast for Wednesday says we’re supposed to have a 150 percent chance of snow with hundred-foot drifts, temperatures below Absolute Zero and hurricane force winds.

In other words, your typical Chicago winter conditions.

I told the other staff members to bring an extra pair of underpants, just in case we end up spending another night somewhere in Illinois. Or get blown off the road and end up in Terre Haute. You just never know.

I learned to “always be prepared” during that week I was in Cub Scouts back in the 3rd grade.

Yes, I am a little concerned with the winter road conditions because, after all, I grew up in south Texas. Down there if there is even one hint of ice, the entire Texas Highway Department staff basically turns into Lucy and Ethel.

I should give myself more credit than that. I’ve driven in snowstorms in Buffalo, Toronto, Detroit and Albany. This Texas-boy is quite adept at handling a car in rough winter conditions. There's a secret to driving in a blinding snowstorm and it is this - -

Make sure the hotel you check into has room service.


Quite adept indeed.

(I would have made a fine Cub Scout.)


  1. *smiles* Drive safe, Dooder!!!! We need you to come back safe and sound for our Raw Food Party on Friday night!! :) :)

    And I LOVED how you described Chicago's typical weather as a "150 percent chance of snow with hundred-foot drifts, temperatures below Absolute Zero and hurricane force winds." LOL! :)

  2. Hope you're safe. I've read reports of dreadful weather across the country.
