Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Driving back from the depths of Illinois to Chicago, (with three staff members in the car) I encountered really nasty conditions.

There were 50 mph winds, blowing snow and dropping temperatures. And it was night.

An 18-wheeler fishtailed in front of me. The wind began blowing my car around on the icy road. Then, we encountered a pile-up. Traffic was blocked on Interstate 57 heading into Chicago.

"Daddy's calling it," I announced.

We're in a nice hotel for the evening, fifty miles south of Chicago.

Safety comes first.

Frankly, I'm exhausted from driving 600 miles since yesterday morning.

Daddy's going to bed.


  1. Glad you played it safe. Very wise, I think. I would have had a heart attack in that situation. Hope the rest of the journey is much easier.

  2. I hope you make it home safe today!!!!

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Daddy, are we there yet?

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Were you driving a 4 wheel drive?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Alice - we made it home safe.

    JP - good luck on your trip to CO. Keep an eye out for hotels at each exit when the weather gets dicey.

    Anon - yes, I intentionally rented a 4WD but the wind kept blowing it sideways on the ice.
    Not fun.
