Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sufi's Choice

Last night, I saw a documentary about the “whirling dervishes” in Istanbul and was really captivated by it.

The dervishes are actually Sufi monks whose twirling is a form of prayer, signifying how all of creation is related to God.

Also, the music is supposed to have divine qualities, so I liked that too.

Also, it turns out that there is a Universal Sufist meditation and prayer center here in the U.S. and it’s located at a Shaker village in Massachusetts.

Oh my goodness, that is so cool!

Hell, I’ve done pretty much everything else in my life. Becoming a whirling dervish at a Shaker village is one more thing I could check off the list.

I like the hats.

Click here to see a video of them


  1. "Hell, I’ve done pretty much everything else in my life. Becoming a whirling dervish at a Shaker village is one more thing I could check off the list."

    That must be one hell of a list Buck!

  2. "...ashes, ashes, we all fall down"...(sorry, couldn't reist).

  3. I love this--it combines spirituality and getting a natural high from the dizziness! :)

  4. Like your pun.

    I can't say I ever would have guessed of a whirling dervish group in a shaker village, but I guess when you think about it, it makes sense.

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    All kidding aside, I watched a live performance of the dervish about 8 years ago, just before my step father passed. During the performance I was transported or elevated to a level of peace I had not experienced in months.
