Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Donna Summer Meets Funkytown

The other day, I was rummaging through my medicine cabinet and found an old bottle of Ralph Lauren’s Polo cologne for men.

Do any of you remember that stuff? I wore it all the time during college.

Anyway, I spritzed some on and that grassy, herbally scent instantly transported back to 1980 – twenty-nine years ago. One spritz and I was practically dancing at clubs again to the sounds of Blondie, The B52’s, and Funkytown.

Oh my goodness, we had fun back then.

I wanted to download Funkytown to my iPod and went searching for it. Instead, I came across this really cool version of it which combines Donna Summer’s I Feel Love with Funkytown.

I’m sorry, but I really like this bad little piece of music.

I downloaded it to a URL for you. Click here.

Isn’t that just deliciously horrible?


  1. Donna Summer? OMG did someone say Donna Summer??? Dude, my iPod is crammed full of her! I love her!

    BTW I was a big fan of Polo back in the day. I remember buying it for my Dad, and I still have the polo coffee mugs that came with it! Wow, they are antiques now!

  2. I do not like this song. Yucky.

