Saturday, March 29, 2008

At the Airport

I’m at O’Hare airport waiting for an airplane to take me down to Texas. I’ll be down there for a week visiting family.

I just drove back from a bidniz trip in Springfield last night. I’m getting tired of going to Springfield. I can see why Mary Todd Lincoln was so unhappy.

So, I’m at the airport in plenty of time for my flight. I planted myself directly across from a Starbuck’s which gives me comfort. In case I begin to feel famished, I can leap up and quickly reinvigorate myself.

People-watching is always so entertaining at airports. I just love it.

There’s a man in Tilley hat. He’s obviously from Canada. I always wanted a Tilley hat but they’re expensive.

Here’s comes a woman wearing with bleach blonde hair, wearing clear heels, a fur coat, and short shorts.


Oh, there’s a nun wearing a habit. I haven’t seen that in years. She’s a Real Nun.

There’s a little girl being pushed in a cart by her daddy. She’s obviously having a very good time. Reality will set in soon enough.

There’s a young woman who looks like Miley Cyrus only she’s wearing way too much eye liner.


There go two men holding hands. Idiots. Who holds hands in the airport, for crying out loud? I give the relationship six weeks. Tops.

Wait, here comes a little boy holding his mother’s hand. Okay, so some people do hold hands in the airport.

There’s a studious looking woman carrying a cello case. I always wanted to learn to play the cello.

Oops. A young fellow almost missed his airplane. The gate agent is calling the airplane and unlocking the door to the gangway.

Now, a mom with two little girls just sat close to me. The kids have Happy Meals and little-bitty pink rolling carry-ons and are chattering away. I might have to move.

Oh, wait. Crisis. Her burger has pickles!! Horrible, icky pickles!! Shrieking ensues. . .
Okay. I just moved. That’s better.

The announcement is telling us that we can’t fly with more than three ounces of liquids or gels. I’d better pee beforehand or they might no let me on the airplane.

There goes a mom with three little kids. God, that must be tedious to travel with little ones. Apparently, they really freak out over pickles.

The goes a middle aged, bald guy wearing short shorts and a really tight shirt. He’s awfully hairy.


Okay, I think it’s time for some more coffee.

I’ll be in Texas for a week, so I’ll be posting Texas things.


  1. LOL whore... LOL....LOL have fun in Texas

  2. Very funny. Safe travels. Love to the fam.

  3. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What great pictures on your blog!
