Friday, November 02, 2007

On the Road Again. . .

On Sunday, I have to head out to visit six locations across the State of Illinois where my staff members are located.

Oh! What fun!

I’ll get to see such exciting and breathtaking locales like Peoria, Quincy, East St. Louis, Mt. Vernon, Mattoon, and Rockford. (see map)

Ya gotta watch out for Peoria, though.
I hear Peoria will just eat you up and spit you out.

At least Illinois isn’t a huge state. Like Texas. I can’t imagine having to visit six locations spread out across Texas.

Oh, and while I’m on this trip, I’ll get to stay in luxurious hotels along the way. I hear that Super 8 has a wide variety of vending machines from which one can obtain tasty snack food items.

And just think of the many little-bitty soaps I’ll get to collect along the way! I won’t have to buy bar soap for a month after this trip.

(I hate buying bar soap. Have you ever noticed that it’s impossible to locate no matter where you shop?)

My generous meal stipend will allow me to dine like a king next week. While traversing the soybean and corn fields of Illinois, I’ll search out exquisite dining establishments like Denny’s and IHOP. Just imagine how many Grand Slam breakfasts forty dollars a day will buy!

I’ll have my nifty wireless laptop with me (generously supplied by my employer) so that I can keep you, dear puppies, updated all along the way. I’ll bet you’ll all be anxiously hopping onto my site ten times a day just to see what adventures will be relayed. (No doubt, my site is on all of your "favorites")

Oh, I can’t wait to get started!


  1. YUCK. yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.

    *in simpson's character voice* :
    worse. roadtrip. ever.


    (you may meet fun exciting people and have fun exciting adventures, but still can't get me past the realization that you are just driving all around the most BORING state/region EVER. remember that I consider Chicago annexed from the rest of the state)

    Make good choices & try to have non-yucky times uncle-friend buck!

  2. Sfoofie: I'll try to have a good time. But it won't be easy.

    Too bad I don't have any employees in Wisconsin. At least there are plenty of good things to eat in Wisconsin.
    Like cheese curds. (Which your aunt failed to bring me)

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Hey, I tried!!--But the dang gas station didn't have any!! Who ever heard of a Wisconsin gas station without cheese curds?!?! :)


    Poodle :)

  4. I'd rather eat a bowl of toenails than drive across Illinois.

  5. Illinois is a place I've been twice - my first time and my last time. Ick. But Chicago s'ok. My one experience with a flasher happened in Chicago. I looked at him and laughed. He wasn't amused.

  6. Rockford!!!!
    I get to see you!!!

  7. Oh, the life you lead. Makes my head spin.
