Sunday, July 03, 2011

Then and Now

Have you seen those photos of people who take photos of themselves in the same poses, say, thirty years later? Well, I got some dandy ones for you!

We had a large family gathering on the family ranch today and we decided to try our hand at it. I think we did remarkably well at it.

Here we are in 1963, just wee little tots. My cousin, Janna, is on the left, then me, my brother Brad, and my cousin, Than. That's our grandfather with us.

And, here we are 48 years later, lined up along a nearby water trough again and striking similar poses:

A few years later, my cousin, Jaci, was added to the brood. Here we are in 1967:

And again, I think we did a pretty good job of re-creating it.

I know we had a wonderful time doing this.


  1. That is too cute, Dooder! :) You guys really did do a good job! I'm glad you're having fun. :)

  2. Oh I love these! I had planned on doing a few with the kids on the old blue checkered sofa we kept forever and never got around to it... now the couch is gone but I may have to do it without.
