Tuesday, February 01, 2011


One thing I love about living in the North is that I get to experience winter weather. While growing up in South Texas, snow was something we totally missed out on. I was always jealous of the kids in Chicago or Minneapolis who got to play in the snow, sled down hills and miss school.

Well, it looks like Chicago is due for The Biggest Snowstorm in All of Chicago's History. Over 24 inches of snow is expected in the Windy City. Chicagoans are referring to it as "Snowmageddon." Neat, right?

Well, guess where I am? I'm visiting my folks in South Texas where I grew up and, once again, missing out on the snow.

It was 82 degrees yesterday.


  1. We live in coastal NC where snow is rare. My son just recently moved to Indiana to attend Purdue. He is stuck right in the middle of what he is calling "SNOWCALYPSE 2011". It sounds like being in Texas is a good thing right now. Love your blog....I just recently ran across it.

  2. I think you might well enjoy Texas if the snow gets too bad at home!
    You can get a tan while your neighbors dig out!

  3. Enjoy your Texas vacation. It sounds like the snow will still be in Chicago when you return home.

  4. I enjoyed my week off in the snow, but 2 feet? I'm not sure I could deal with that. I grew up in South Georgia. I remember seeing my first snow when I was 6. I think it snowed once more during the 18 years I lived there. Hardly anything stuck for long, of course, but somewhere there's a photo of me with a snowman my dad made.
