Monday, February 21, 2011

Getting the Giggles in Church

I may have mentioned this before, but I’m a choir member at the Episcopal cathedral here in Chicago. It’s a really fine choir and I’ve always enjoyed the “high church” aspect of the Anglicans.

About ten years ago, the Episcopalians and Lutherans came to some sort of ecclesial agreement acknowledging their common mission and we had a commemoration service of that agreement in church yesterday. We were joined by the Lutheran bishop, had a smattering of our bishops, and our choir was joined with two choirs from local Lutheran congregations.

The warm-fuzzies were flowing.

At one point, we were singing a feel-good hymn about “one mission” and oneness and all that. One of the Lutheran choir members smiled at me and I got the giggles.

With all that feel-goodness going on, benevolent smiling back and forth, I couldn’t help but think of the following scene from that hilarious movie, Airplane!


MAJOR giggles.

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