Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sign of the Times

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve loved watermelon. So did my grandmother, “Budgie”, -- she was just nuts about it -- and no doubt I picked up on her love for it at a very early age. She and I could polish off a huge amount of it in a sitting. Eating watermelon with Budgie was almost a holy sacrament between us.

Here’s a photo of us sharing one back in ’92 or ’93. We were very happy.

So, all summer long I really enjoy the bounty of my most favorite fruit. My favorite way to eat it is to make a watermelon sorbet. It’s really easy now that God finally decided to invent seedless watermelons (something He should have done long ago in my opinion.)

To make watermelon sorbet: Cut a seedless watermelon into 1-inch chunks and freeze them. Blitz them in a food processor with lemon juice and sweetener of your choice. I use the artificial stuff. Watch out for ice-cream headaches.

I’ve enjoyed my watermelons all summer long until a couple of weeks ago when my usual grocery store no longer had them. Awwww. So sad. Autumn was, indeed, upon us.

Then, last week, I went to Trader Joe’s and they had a huge box of them right by the entrance. Yay! I had been expecting to go through an eight month watermelon draught and good-old Trader Joe’s came through for me. I didn’t have my grocery cart with me so I had to lug the thing home seven blocks away. It was worth it.

I wanted to go right back with my cart and get a couple more of them, but I didn’t. However, on Sunday I did take my watermelon-cart with me to church so that I could hit Trader Joe’s right after. I was hoping I didn’t wait too long and they’d still have them.

After church, I went whizzing around to TJs with my cart bouncing behind me, anxious to snatch up a couple of watermelons. The automatic doors swung open and there was the big box on display. Yay!

However, it didn’t contain watermelons.

It was filled with pumpkins.


  1. Watermelon is my absolute favorite fruit. To my mind, it's the only good thing about summer. I hardly ever see anyone eat them the way you are in the photo. We have photos like that from my childhood. You sat down to a quarter melon, a knife and fork, and a salt shaker. In those days I wouldn't have dreamed of eating watermelon without salt (my children and husband are aghast at the very idea. And now the melon season is past. I don't like orchard fruit that much, and I really don't like pumpkin. Sigh.

  2. Pumpkins ruin EVERYTHING!

  3. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I think I would eat more watermelon if they would sell them without the seeds. Maybe they do, I haven't checked in awhile.

    Love the picture of you and Budgie! Cute, cute.

  4. I guess we are fortunate to have watermelons all year here in Fla ~ and even better that they are the seedless kind. My youngest would live on them if she could. Will have to try making the sorbet. Sounds good.

  5. Love seeing the picture of Budgie!

  6. I stand with those who love the picture of you and Budgie. Just wonderful.

  7. Bad Alice: Budgie always put lots of salt on her melon. I never could do the salt thing.
    Bob: You're right. I don't like pumpkin.
    JP: Yes, there are seedless melons and they're really great. Oh, and follow my recipe for sorbet, add rum, and you have a frozen watermelon daiquiri.
    Barb: Definitely try the watermelon daiquiris.
    Claye and Bill: It's great to hear from folks that knew Budgie. Thanks.

  8. Damn, pumpkins aren't nearly as good as watermelons!!!! :)
