Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate Love has Arrived

I've made many posts here about dear, sweet Portia, the chocolate Labrador who belonged to my friends, Jack and Steve. After she made a calm transition to doggy heaven three months ago, they've experienced a period of doglessness. But that happily ended today. . . .

Meet Hannah!

Hannah is a 2 year old chocolate bundle of squirming love. She had been in a very nice doggy foster home for the past couple of weeks after having been a stray in southern Illinois (time period, unknown.) Her foster parents said she was only moments away from being put down before being rescued. Can you imagine that?

She arrived today, the adoption was completed and she now has a forever-home. She knows the following commands: 'Sit' 'down' and 'paw'. I haven't met her yet, but she did lick the receiver when I called to wish her a happy welcome.


  1. oh what a kissable face..

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Oh my, I totally missed hearing about Portia. Condolences to all.

  3. Yay, so happy for them!! :)

  4. Rescued dogs are the best. Our Sadie lived several places before finding us. She showed up on our doorstep and when I opened the door ~ she came in and made herself at home, been here ever since.

    And yes, we located her owner, who as it turned out needed to find a good home for her.
