Monday, July 26, 2010

My Argyle Sweater-Vest Goal

I stand six-foot-two-and-a-half inches.

189 cm in Canada

I recently bought my first set of bathroom scales.

Cue the dramatic music . . . .

230 pounds is much too much for me to be gravitating toward this good Earth.

I don't want to look good naked. I just rilly rilly want to look good in an argyle sweater-vest.

Actually  -- I love sweater-vests and anything in an Argyle pattern makes me smile. To be able to wear various Argyle sweater-vests by October would be a dream come true.

I'm not joking.

So, I've joined Weight Watchers -- 
 -- The online version where I can sit on my butt and track my progress. If all goes according to plan, I should lose 5% of my body-weight within a month.
(I surely don't want to GO to a meeting, heaven forbid)

Four weeks from now, I should be sitting down on a firm, 218-lb butt.

Eight weeks from now, I'll hopefully be featured on an episode of "Hoarding, Obsession, Intervention: Argyle Sweater-Vests" and my mom and dad will be interviewed:

(Dad): "We never knew he was like this or saw it coming! In hindsight, though, he always stayed in his room playing with his Erector Set. He never did like to go outside or wear short-pants."

(Mom): (Sobbing) There was that one time he insisted on wearing a yellow turtleneck dickie outside his sweater when he was eight, but we never thought it would  lead to this! I should have seen the signs!

So, that is my goal:  To have my family and friends enact an intervention over my Argyle sweater-vest hoarding-obsession-addiction by October. 

I'm setting aside a big chunk of money right now.

You can read about my diet details here.


  1. I sure do need to loose 5% of my body fat. Maybe I'll join you at one of your on-line meetings. I don't think i will ever look as good as you in an argyle sweater-vest.

  2. LOL! Oh Dooder, you just crack me UP sometimes!! :)

    P.S. I took a nap today. It was awesome. :) :)
