Thursday, June 24, 2010

Evening View

Yesterday evening, we had some whopper thunderstorms here in Chicago. The tornado sirens sounded off twice as the storms passed through and it got pretty rambunctious up here on the 50th floor. The sun was setting just as things were clearing up, causing it to reflect pretty brilliantly on the remaining clouds. I'd really never seen anything quite like it.

Here's what it looked like from my living room:

Looking to the northeast:

Due north:

Toward the building across the street:

Toward the twin building beside me:

And, finally, the setting sun:

My grandmother, Budgie, always loved sunsets and city life. She would have really loved the sights this evening.


  1. thanks for sharing.. how beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous pictures.

  3. Great pictures, Dooder!! :)

  4. WOW! That second photo is Pulitzer Prize worthy! I bow at your feet, I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy...

  5. Great photos! Looks almost like something computer generated for a movie when they need a surreal looking world.

  6. It really was a dozy of a storm. Wonderful pictures!
