Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Calm Down!

Every day, I pass by a CVS Pharmacy going to and from work. And twice a day, I notice their advertisement in the window depicting a woman rapt in ecstasy over how wonderful and fantastic CVS Pharmacy is.

It’s as if she’s saying,
Yesss!! CVS Pharmacy is so incredible, I can’t STAND it!!”

I see this advertisement every day, twice a day, and it bugs me.

When I see it, I think to myself, “Calm down, lady. It’s just CVS Pharmacy.”


If she’s this ecstatic over a CVS, I’d hate to see what would happen if she ever went to a Walgreen’s.

She’d probably explode.


  1. That's how ecstatic I get over Walgreen's. :) :)

  2. The “something extra” is the model’s breasts, I presume, since she is so ecstatically offering them to our appreciative gaze. Altogether, this is really pretty blatantly sexualized advertising, isn’t it?

    Maybe CVS offers happy endings, too.

  3. In the same windows, they have a photo of a guy crouching and enjoying himself as he drinks milk from a carton!
