Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I haven't time to really blog today so here's just some quick-n-dirty updates.

On Sunday afternoon, I was interviewed about synesthesia and it will be featured on the local PBS radio station next month. It was cool.

I'm making another Julia Child recipe tonight, Daube de Boeuf, which is a casserole of beef, vegetables, capers and anchovies. This weekend, I'm preparing a whole Julia Child meal for seven friends and I'm excited about that.

I broke my camera the other day by piling books on top of it in my book bag. Duh. A new one should arrive today.

 And since I can't think of anything to write about, I'll leave you with one of the greatest moments in American history:  And that is, of course, Aretha Franklin's hat.


  1. Daube de Boeuf sounds...interesting. :)

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'm still very fond of that hat.
