Friday, April 16, 2010

Goose Update: It Is Finished

As Miss Healthypants reported on her blog, our goose friends are gone. There was a very concerned voice mail from her last night to that effect.

I hadn’t looked in them in a couple of days and when she checked on them yesterday, there was nothing there in the nest but a pile of downy feathers.

“Were there any egg shells around?” I asked.

“There was goose poop. I didn’t go digging around in that,” was her reply.

This morning, I went to investigate the remains. I noticed that there were a bunch of pigeons feeding in the nest. I shooed them away and checked under the pile of down. (I don’t mind goose poop. I’m a boy.) There were no egg shells.

We think our goose family is okay. Here’s what we know:

1) It was time for the eggs to hatch.

2) Baby geese are mobile and can swim very soon after they hatch.

3) Birds like to eat egg shells (thus, the pigeons this morning.) In fact, it is recommended that you grind up egg shells and mix it in with bird seed. Birds need the calcium for their own egg production.

I just realized that I haven’t washed my hands after pawing through the poopie nest. I shall probably contract West Nile virus now.

The daily goose survey is over.
Okay, now what do I do?

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