Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Gay Agenda

We hear a lot of religious wingnuts banging on their high chairs over the “gay agenda” these days. Ever wonder what it’s really all about?


  1. That would be funny if it wasn't so close to what "some people" really believe. When I lived in NC ~ I actually had a women tell me she didn't want gays in the military cause she was afraid they would "turn her son gay!" Oh dear Lord ~ really?

  2. I wish that was my agenda... Alas, my life is consumed by laundry, carting kids around, and cleaning the house. I'd love a hair appointment and a light dinner. Can I sign up for that program? I'll bring cookies!

  3. I am *so* adopting this agenda. World Domination between 2:00 and 2:30 would be awesome. Plus I could probably use a pedicure after all that gubmint overthrowing bidness. Not too sure about breakfast at 8:00 AM though. Who's up at that ungodly hour???? The agenda must be revised somewhat.
