Monday, April 19, 2010


Back in ancient days ( I.e. before the Internet), I had a pen pal from Iceland. He was a graduate student in Reykjavik and also worked as a tour guide in an ice cave. His name was Guðmundur, but since most people don’t know how to pronounce that funny-looking Icelandic ‘d’ most people called him Gummi.

I tried leaning a bit of Icelandic and it really is one of the weirdest languages to pronounce. Apparently, Icelanders are having a ball hearing the various news anchors try to pronounce that volcano that’s erupting, Eyjafjallajökull.

Not surprisingly, Rush Limbaugh claimed that the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull is due to God’s displeasure with Obama’s health care reform.
(Come on, Rush -- let’s hear you say Eyjafjallajökull. Come on!)

If Icelanders are snickering over the attempt at saying 'Eyjafjallajökull' can you imagine what they must be  thinking of Rush Limbaugh?

I say, if you can’t say Eyjafjallajökull, then you have no business making such claims.

Here’s how you say it and here’s how you don’t:

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