Friday, April 30, 2010

Big Julia Meal Tomorrow

My Julia Child rampage through Mastering the Art of French Cooking continues unabated. Tomorrow, (Saturday) I’m preparing a Julia meal for eight friends.

Fonds d'Artichauts au Mayonnaise (Steamed artichokes with mayonnaise) Julia’s mayonnaise was the first recipe she ever perfected. Believe me, you have not tasted mayonnaise until you’ve tasted her recipe for it and method of making it. The artichokes are simply a conduit for the mayonnaise.

Fricasée de Poulet a La’Ancienne (Old Fashioned Chicken Fricassee) This time, the variation with tarragon -- one of my favorite herbs.

Tomates á La Provençale (Baked tomatoes with fines herbs)

Asperges au Sauce Maltaise (Asparagus with orange-flavored Hollandaise)

Bavarois aux Fraises (Bavarian Cream with Strawberries)

I will post photos, reviews and wine pairings. I’m awfully excited.

Miss Healthypants is coming over tonight for the leftover daube.


  1. A mouth-watering menu! Looking forward to your report on the results.

  2. That "daube" was awesome!--thanks again! :)

    I hope the dinner goes well...let me know how it all turns out! :)

  3. Dude, how did the dinner go???? I'm interested to find out! :)
