Wednesday, February 10, 2010

De-Gerbilized -- Day One

Day One of Not Being a Gerbil: Success!

Yesterday, I wrote that I’ve been in a slump lately – of coming home from work, crawling under a blanket like a gerbil and doing nothing but watching TV. So, I’ve decided to go an entire week with no television which would, hopefully, entice me into more productive endeavors.

It has. I loved it.

Last night, I came home from work, downloaded some really cool music onto my iPod and really enjoyed twenty minutes on the treadmill. As a matter of fact, I was rockin’ out so well to my groovy music that I didn’t want to stop, so I did another 20 minutes – 40 minutes total.

One song that was totally kick-ass was Alanis Morissette’s You Oughta Know. Wow – I wanted to leap off the treadmill and just dance when I heard that.

I had sort of an aversion to Alanis Morissette after having lived in Toronto. Canadians seem to go way overboard with any of their celebrities (probably because there are so few of them – Canadians, that is.) I got so tired of hearing Morissette blaring non-stop out of every night club on Yonge Street, so I guess it took about ten years to get de-Alanisized enough to enjoy her stuff.

I also have Somebody Told Me and Jenny Was a Friend of Mine by The Killers on my exercise playlist. Really groovy stuff! Has anyone else been tipped off on how great this music is or am I the only that knows about it?

After my workout, I made a tofu curry with barley-lentil pilaf for dinner, worked on choir music for an hour, talked to Miss Healthypants, and cleaned the kitchen.

Yesterday, I mentioned that not watching TV would free me up to do a lot of other things, like going to an art museum or a zoo.

Well, a friend of mine called last night to say he had an extra ticket to the Chicago Symphony and would I want to go? (The Brahms 1st Piano Concerto is being featured.)

Isn’t that better than watching stupid people being held accountable by Judge Judy?

And you have to admit, that’s pretty auspicious. 'The Universe' picked up on the fact that I wanted to heighten the level of my leisure activities and, boom, I get a free ticket to the Chicago Symphony.

And after exercising for 40 minutes last night, I have to admit –
I really feel like crap today.


  1. Ha ha! But I'll bet you slept GREAT last night--or was it harder to sleep without CNN on the TV? :)

    Also, the Universe is totally giving you stuff to expand your horizons! First, the Art Museum is free all month, and then you get the free ticket to the Chicago Symphony. Cool beans! :)

  2. My first husband was Canadian, and I'm pretty sure he was sick to death of Alanis Morissette. I'm not quite ready to revisit her. The Killers I've heard. Now and then I go to and listen to stuff. You should try it. You can plug in an artist you like and the site will create a radio station of similar artists for you to listen to. Lots of indie music, too.

    I think if I decided to drop TV the universe would present me with a bottle of laundry detergent.

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Not watching tv for me means going out to drink beer. I'm better off with the tv.

  4. Testing, testing, 1-2-3... *smiles*
