Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lobster Killer

Just got through preparing a complete Julia Child Celebration meal with my friend, Steve.

I’ll blog about it later, complete with photos, but for now, here’s how to kill a lobster the Julia Child way.

(You can click here if it takes to long to load)


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    For some reason tossing them in a boiling pot and covering it with a lid seemed more humane to me.

    Have you thought of lethal injection?

  2. I agree with JP--I think I'd rather not see it happen...I wonder which one really is less painful to a lobster? Either way it seems horrible.

    And yet, yummy. I am a horrible person. :)

  3. Anonymous11:48 PM

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  4. Anonymous11:51 PM

    And.... how about pasta with some sauce. Just a nice veggie sauce. Why do what you did? Sad!

  5. Eek. That was hard to watch.

  6. Well, it's not a bunny...but I'm proud of you anyway.

  7. Oh,I don't dare even try to watch this. Lobsters look too much like giant insects. Shudder. I don't even like the way they taste. Actually, they remind me of scorpions. Okay, now I'm freaking myself out.
