Monday, November 23, 2009

It Was Bound to Happen . . .

Paula Deen Injured by Errant Ham

ATLANTA - Celebrity chef, Paula Deen, suffered only minor facial swelling after being smacked in the nose by an 8-lb Smithfield ham while unloading a food bank truck in preparation for an annual Thanksgiving dinner.

She was not seriously injured.

Apparently, one worker unloading the donation of Smithfield hams thought Deen was ready to catch another – and it was tossed to her when she wasn’t looking.

“It hit me full long in the face and 'bout knocked me cuckoo, but I'm fine," said a laughing Deen.

The hams donated by Deen go to Hosea Feed the Hungry’s massive Thanksgiving Day dinner in which hundreds of Atlanta's homeless are treated to a free holiday meal.

No other food-related injuries were reported during the incident.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this--another headline on the 10:00 news last night besides "Celebrity Hit By Ham" was "Man Steals Tacos." I couldn't decide which news story sounded more interesting--or relevant, for that matter. :)
