Friday, October 16, 2009

Morning Scene - A Life Saver

I must have crossed the State Street Bridge over the Chicago River thousands of times in the past few years but never noticed that there’s an emergency life saver in a glass case just before you cross the bridge.

I looked for life savers at a couple of other bridges but there aren’t any. I wonder why?
Do the city authorities think that people will only fall off the State Street Bridge? Do pedestrians have a tendency to fall off this bridge and not the others?

These are questions I want to get to the bottom of.

I can just imagine the following scenario. Miss Healthypants and I are walking across the Clark Street Bridge and notice a pedestrian in the Chicago River below:

"Oh, look. A pedestrian has fallen in the Chicago River below."

"It looks like he’s drowning."

"That’s too bad. If we were on the State Street Bridge we could toss him a life saver."

"Yeah. . . . "

. . . .

"Hey, you wanna grab some Thai food?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."


  1. That gave me a chuckle...
    I can picture you walking away in search of food as the person flails away in the river below!

  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Hey, if there's not a life-saver encased in glass nearby there's really nothing you can do. And there's even less you can do on an empty stomach. ;)

  3. Dude, I would totally dive in and save him--with the only swim move I know how to do--the back stroke!! LOL! :)
