Monday, August 17, 2009


During this past weekend, I became a little verklempt on two occasions.

Do you remember what verklemt means? Remember Mike Myers’ character, Linda Richman, on Saturday Night Live’s Coffee Talk?

“Verklempt” - - when one is overcome with emotion - - it’s the Yiddish equivalent of “gobsmacked.”

Well, I became a little verklempt this weekend – twice.

The first time was while viewing that wonderful movie, Julie and Julia. In the first 30 seconds of the film, Julia Child experiences her first meal in a French restaurant. Well, when she tasted that first bite of sole meuniere and displayed such sheer ecstasy, I just lost it. I really did.

And that was in the first 30 seconds of the movie. Needless to say, I highly recommend this film. I happily bought a pound of butter and a pint of cream on the way home from the movie.
Screw soymilk.

The next day was my first Sunday singing in the choir at St. James Cathedral (Episcopal) here in Chicago. We processed in, two by two, up to the choir loft in the front while the big pipe organ peeled away to the hymn Immortal, Invisible. (The choir robes are really nice and very English looking – a full length dark red robe with a white, knee-length smock.)

Oh my goodness, it was so nice to be singing in a choir again, especially after having been in that nasty anti-Pepsi church last month. As we processed up, we divided and went into our separate sections, I with the tenors. Then on the third verse, we broke out into four part harmony . . .

. . . Yep. Verklempt again.

I’ve got to get a hold of myself if I’m going to be a contributing member of this choir. We’re doing Vivaldi’s Gloria in November and Handel’s Messiah at Christmas. If a simple hymn gets me verklempt, imagine what Vivaldi and Handel would do. I’d just be a big puddle of goo.

Anyway, I highly recommend finding moments that get you a little verklepmt every now and then.

Linda Richman was definitely on to a good thing.


  1. "Screw soymilk" - indeed. My husband uses soymilk but I can't get used to it. He also can't eat wheat. Gluten free bread just does not substitute for regular lovely fluffy bread.

    I've been know to get verklempt over Charmin commercials and random songs on the radio.

  2. I could never sing in a church choir for two reasons.
    First, I CAN'T SING ~ at all!
    Secondly, I get too choked up and can't even sing along when I'm supposed to.

  3. Yes, verklepmt is a good thing! :)

    Oh by the way, speaking of "cooking" (or my version of cooking!), I made a Caprese salad this weekend and enjoyed every last bit of it--I didn't even care that mozzarella cheese has lots of fat. Screw that. Life's too short to worry too much about fat. :)
