Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Debra for a Weekend

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of finding a rather large lump in my underarm. I hadn’t noticed it before because there was no pain to call attention to it;
But there it was.

So, I went to my friendly primary care physician who felt me up and said I should have a specialist feel me up as well. He said it was probably nothing, but large lumps should definitely be checked out.

That was last Friday.

Besides making two batches of bread-n-butter jalapenos, I spent the weekend catastrophizing and feeling my lump. I Wikipedia’d everything I could find about armpit lumps and spent more time catastrophizing.

I played the theme to Terms of Endearment over and over on the piano.
It was all very Debra Winger.

So I saw the specialist today and he assured me very quickly that I didn’t need to play Terms of Endearment anymore. However, I do have a lime-sized lipoma that really should be removed.

So, I’m scheduled for outpatient surgery a week from Friday. I have to get a responsible person to take me home afterward and I was able to procure my friend, Jack, to do so. I thought about asking Iwanski to do that but I really didn’t want to ask him to be a responsible person this soon after the last time.

Sigh . . .

Wouldn’t you know it?
I turn fifty, finally get my head together . . .

. . . And my ass falls apart.


  1. No, no, no, wrong end. If your ass was falling apart, Debra, you would be having a colonoscopy.

    Maybe you're just growing a third testicle up under there.

  2. Like my Mama said, it's always something.

  3. Heal quickly guy and your life will go on.....life is fabulous after 50!

  4. But Iwanski would don his "responsible person" hat if needed--I'm sure you know that. *smiles*

  5. I'll keep you in my prayers next week, particularly on the 15th.
