Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Sears Tower to Go Green

There’s talk of the Sears Tower in Chicago getting a major make-over.

The owners of Chicago’s iconic tower – who are located in New York City by the way – are talking of “greening up” the 36 year old building.

Just in case you don’t know, the Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America with its 110 stories rising 1,454 feet tall.

We’ve grown used to it’s imposing black structure, but now they’re talking about resurfacing the whole thing to silver. (It would reflect more sunlight that way and cut down on air conditioning costs, supposedly).

Frankly, I’ve never been a fan of its blocky, black structure. I think silver would look pretty cool.

And if you’re going to make it green, why not slap a bunch of giant wind turbines on top while you’re at it?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I still don't like it. I'm proud of our tall black tower.

    But going green is good. Dammit. :)
