Tuesday, February 03, 2009

In Blago's Back Yard

I’m tired.

It’s been a long day of meetings and traversing hither and yon across southern Illinois.

I began the day in Mt. Vernon which is south of Effingham. Then, I had a meeting in Centralia which is southwest of Effingham. Then, I drove to East St. Louis which is west of Effingham where I had another meeting in the afternoon.

Now, I’m at a Holiday Inn just outside of Springfield which is northwest of Effingham. It’s also where Rod Blagojevich lives. I'm practically in his back yard. I’ll be sure to say hello if I see him during this trip. (I actually saw him and his hair at my workplace in Chicago about four months ago).

I hate to say it, but I’ve totally blown off eating healthy while on this trip. For lunch on Monday, I had a double Whopper (add mustard). For dinner last night, I had a double Whopper (add mustard). They’re just so damn tasty and convenient.

I tried to eat healthy tonight at Denny’s. I noticed that they had Boca Burgers on the menu (the vegetarian burger) so I ordered that and a salad instead of fries. The waitress was an elderly woman and I felt so sad for this poor woman who was obviously having to work well past retirement age.

My order arrived and it was a double cheeseburger with hash browns covered in cheese. I didn’t have the heart to ask her to take it back.

Tomorrow, I have an afternoon meeting in Bloomington about an hour away. That means I can totally sleep late in my Holiday Inn abode and I am SO going to do that.

After my meeting, I’ll drive to the tippy-top corner of northwest Illinois where I’ll have two meetings on Thursday.

Tomorrow, I’m going to do my absolute best to eat healthy. It will be a challenge seeing that I’ll be dining in America’s chain restaurants, but I think that with a little creativity it can be done.


1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I never thought of adding mustard to a whopper. It's always the same for me... whopper with cheese, no onion, extra pickle, cut in half. Of course they always screw it up! Have a good trip.
