Friday, January 09, 2009

Morning Scene - Snow

This was the scene outside my apartment window this morning before leaving for work. We're having near white-out conditions, it's 19 degrees, but I still walked the six blocks to work.

It's a beautiful day!


  1. At first I thought there was some reason why I couldn't see the picture till I realized that WAS the picture. Oh, man I can't even imagine! Brave you for walking to work. When we lived in Raleigh, NC everything would close with the first flake of snow. Stay safe and warm.

  2. The Child suggests that that is not "near" white-out conditions but in fact, "white-out conditions for real".

    She's going to be a meterologist when she grows up.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Now that's what I call s snowy picture. :-)
