Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Great Gift Idea

Aren’t these the coolest glasses?

Pictured here are these curved glasses I have. These are the short ones but I also have tall ones as well. The curved shape is really unique and always elicits a comment or two. I came across these a few years ago when I was at a fancy-schmancy restaurant on a really bad date in downtown Chicago. The restaurant used the tall glasses as their water glasses and I was much more captivated by them than by my date who, by the way, was a total snurd.

I asked the waiter what kind of glasses they were but he didn’t know. So, I kindly asked him to ask the manager.

After a while, the manager came out and I told him how impressed I was with the glassware and that I’d like to know the name of it so I might possibly get some myself.

He smiled and whispered, “It’s Libbey glassware – twenty bucks a case at Target!”

Sure enough, there it was online at Target. $19.95 for sixteen glasses. (It’s $29.95 now)

I’ve had fun giving cases of these glasses as gifts and folks really seem to love them. Or, at least, that’s what they tell me.

Anyway, I think they make a great gift, so if you’re ever flummoxed over having to come up with a unique gift for someone, you can order them here.

Oh, and the snurd and I dated for, like, three more years. Yeeesh!

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