Friday, December 05, 2008

It's Festivus Season

A few years ago, I gave a Festivus Pole to my friends, Jack and Steve and Portia, as we are big fans of Seinfeld.

Well, they don't celebrated Festivus like they used to, so Jack gave it back to me yesterday.

It's the only holiday decoration I've ever displayed - - - ever.

But that simple, high-tensile strength aluminum pole just gives me a warm feeling whenever I look at it.

Isn't it pretty, with the warm glow of the TV shining upon it?

The Iwanskis have been invited over for the traditional "Airing of Grievances" on the 23rd.
Sigh. . . It's truly the holiday season now.


  1. I'm airing my grievance now...I wanna come to your grievance party!

  2. Yay! Then I get to say "I've got a lot of problems with you people!" :)
