Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Following One's Dreams

Yesterday, I conducted a workshop for students with developmental disabilities in a suburb far, far away. It was about how to go about finding a job, how to interview, etc.

The temperature was nearing absolute zero on the Kelvin scale, but nonetheless, I was still traipsing around out there.

Anyway, the kids were very enthusiastic and I really enjoyed interacting with them. It’s nice to get out of the office ever so often and into the Real World.

At one point, I was making the point that each of us should know what type of job we want or what we’re good at. So, I went around the room and had each kid say where they would like to work if they had their choice of anywhere they wanted.

One girl with Down syndrome said she’d like to work in a daycare center because she liked kids. Another wanted to sell jewelry. Another wanted to work in an office with computers.

Finally, I came to this one particularly enthusiastic young fellow. I said, “Joey, where would you like to work if you could work anywhere you wanted?”

He thought and thought about it. Finally, he broke out with a big smile and you know what he said?

“The Olive Garden.”


He got a hug afterwards.


  1. That made me smile. :D Thanks.

  2. When I was in 3rd grade, I wanted to be a nurse and a prom queen. I have this HUGE shield thing made out with wishes and dreams on it. I was totally embarrassed to have that displayed at my high school graduation!!

  3. I just love that story!! :)
