Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Eating Slime

Okay, I’ve been playing around with raw food recipes for a while, trying to develop something that actually tastes good and is appealing.

Some raw-foodies call it “energy soup” and after tinkering around with a recipe for it, I think I’ve finally “got it.”

The thing about this is that it really does give you energy. I’ve made it for three days in a row and consume it for dinner and breakfast. I can really say that I feel great and don’t require near as much sleep. It really is pretty remarkable.

Here is my basic recipe, enough for dinner one night and breakfast the next day.

½ bag of fresh spinach

2 carrots

1 cucumber, unpeeled

1 apple

1 avocado or ½ cup of soaked green split peas

A few cashews for protein

A few soaked golden raisins

Juice of one lime.

Dash of salt

Chop everything up a bit and bung it in a blender with about 2 cups of water.

Blitz it.

Yeah, it looks like bright green slime. But it tastes good, you get all your veggies in one go, and it sure keeps you feeling spunky.
The thing is, I'll probably do this healthy-eating-thing for a few more days, then break down and have a giant deep-dish Chicago style pizza delivered. With anchovies.


  1. Well Buck, it's a pretty color...

  2. I'm going to back you up here Buck-I haven't made this exact recipe, but the one I made is actually very fulfilling & tasty. Relatively speaking (relative to sprouts that is, not pizza).

  3. I so could not eat that--my gag reflex would totally come out after looking closely at it! :)
