Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Best Sarah Palin Interview Ever

Yesterday, as I was getting my hair cut, the woman who does my hair told me about this Sarah Palin interview.

Apparently, Palin had gone to a turkey farm outside of Wasilla and had just pardoned a turkey for Thanksgiving. She then continued on with an interview.

However, over her shoulder, turkeys continued to be “processed” all through the three-minute interview.

Shirley, my hair stylist, told me about it and I really didn’t believe her.

Lo, and behold, it was true. I found an unedited version for you. (Fox News blurred out the beheading and subsequent flopping around of one turkey).

Keep watching until the very end where Palin mentions that promoting a local business "was fun" and won't be controversial - - while that poor gobbler is thrashing about.

The irony is priceless. Even the writers of Saturday Night Live could not have come up with something this hilarious.


  1. "I'm in charge of the turkey"...

    Oh. My. Yord.

  2. I had heard about this from my MIL and I am speechless
