Monday, November 10, 2008

Very Disappointing


The ice rink at Millennium Park was supposed to open in just two days on Wednesday, November 12. However, due to the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having, it’s been delayed one week and won’t open until the 19th.

I am SO disappointed.

Each year, I really really really look forward to the opening of the ice rink. It usually opens around the middle of November and closes around the middle of March. I absolutely adore ice skating and try to go most evenings after work.

The ice rink is just outside the building where I work. Here’s a pic of it, taken from a window at my workplace. Notice that there’s NO ICE on it yet.

Each evening, they re-surface the ice at 5:30 and open the rink up at 5:45. I keep my skates and a change of clothes in my office and around 5:30, I change and head to the rink so I can be one of the first ones out on the newly-resurfaced ice.

I also listen to my iPod while skating and have a specific playlist just for skating. It alternates between slow and fast songs, beginning with Donna Summer’s I Feel Love. (Which, by the way, is just about the BEST song to skate to). Other songs include Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, Heart’s Barracuda, Janis Joplin’s Try Just a Little Bit Harder, The Killers Somebody Told Me and Moi playing Prokofiev’s Diabolical Suggestions.

It’s a wonderful way to unwind from the day.

But all that will have to wait another week.

I’m very disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. I love your playlist. Enjoy the ice when it finally arrives.
