Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Favorite Food

The other day, I was walking home from the rink and found this little store along the way. I think it’s new, or I’ve just been oblivious to my surroundings. Probably the latter.

Anyway, it’s a grocery store that only sells only locally-made produce and food items. Sort of like a little indoor farmer’s market.

Seeing that it’s the latter part of November in the northern part of the Midwest, the locally-grown produce was waning quite a bit. There were pumpkins of course; a few beets, some sweet potatoes straggling in, remnants of obscure breeds of apples, but that was about it.

The owner of the store said that he closes down for the winter and re-opens in March.

There were plenty of other locally-made food items in the store and I did end up leaving with quite a few tasty things.

At one point, the owner of the store called my attention to one of his best-selling items. It was a two-pound roll of freshly made butter from an Amish community in nearby Indiana. And it was only eight bucks. (The guy said that a lot of people cut the big roll of butter in to thirds and freeze it).

I had to have it, along with a pound of homemade egg noodles, also from the Amish community.

I have to tell you that my most favorite thing to eat in the whole wide world are egg noodles with butter and parmesan cheese. Very simple, but it really is one of my favorite things to eat.

And I also have to tell you that I’ve never tasted butter like this before.

Oh my goodness, you don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve tasted butter made fresh from a nearby Amish moo-cow.

I have to admit that I often eat a little nick of it whenever I open the fridge. Actually, I wouldn’t mind just sitting down with a bowl of it and a spoon. It’s that good.

So, here it is. Perfection in a bowl.
Homemade noodles made by Christian women and butter from a happy cow nearby. (The parmesan cheese is from Trader Joe’s).


  1. skip the cheese and you have one of MY favorite quickie foods. what a delicious combination of noodles and butter to stumble upon! Congrats!

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Do you think you have enough noodles with the butter & cheese? :-)

  3. Thanksgiving, on hubbies side is Noodles cooked in chicken broth with butter (but I always add cheese!)
