Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Morning Scene - The Jeweler's Building

When completed in 1927, this 40 story building was the tallest building outside of New York City. It was called The Jeweler's Building because it originally had a multi-story car lift inside that facilitated the safe transport of jewelery.
I’ve always been captivated by its ornate domes and columns.

See that section on the very top? Urban legend has it that Al Capone and his cronies had a secret private club up there.

Of course, this is Chicago, so Al Capone is purported to have had private clubs in the tops of most buildings in the city, including the Sears Tower.

1 comment:

  1. I met Al Capone's nephew once down in Ft Lauderdale and the next day there was a "hit" on cigar boat owner and little Capone (who was escorted by a friend of mine) disappeared to a private island in the bahamas for a week. Coincidence? I think NOT!
