Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Morning Scene - Marina Towers

I’m blatantly stealing this idea of posting “Morning Scene” photos from another blogger; only he lives in New York City and calls it “morning view”.

Each day, there will be a photo (taken in the morning) of something in Chicago.

I say “each day” when I really should be saying “each day when I feel like it or until I get tired of doing this.” There are some Saturdays when I don’t get up until the crack of noon.

Here is today’s Morning Scene photo. Marina Towers, or rather the towers at Marina City (where I live). I took this photo as I walked out of the building this morning and thought it was pretty cool.

Designed in 1959 and completed in 1964, they rise 61 stories, the first 20 of which are for parking. I live on the 49th floor and, fortunately, don’t face into one of the other towers.


  1. Best. Building. Ever.

  2. But if you could see into one of the towers, you could see all the sex!

    *hee hee*

  3. I meant the other tower, of course. :)

  4. Oh I love this picture. If I ever get to Chicago can I please come see your building? Pretty please!
