Saturday, October 11, 2008

Morning Scene - The Unpacked Suitcase

Keep in mind that I do live alone. . .

. . . And I do enjoy a tidy apartment.

When one has a little bitty flat of 560 square feet (720 including the balcony), the least little bit of clutter does become a bit amplified.

Workout clothing strewn about, a couple of dishes left in the sink, or even some DVDs left on the Tivo makes me "grrr!" about my living space.

Don't even get me started on that old bottle of Old Spice Body shampoo in the shower that won't get thrown away. . . .

This unpacked suitcase was the one I took to Seattle and has been left on my living room floor for five days now.
(And yes, those are boxer-briefs; the underpants-hybrid of My People)



  1. you had me at boxer-briefs....

  2. My hubster wears those.. wonder if there's something I should know? Just kidding!

  3. Breen: Good, caught that.

    Barb: The boxer-brief is an answer-to-prayer to those of us gifted guys who have needed a large E-cup, yet never liked flopping around in boxers. You can thank My People for this invention, dear.

    Now go and enjoy that hubster.. .

  4. I also noticed your Trader Joe's wine bag.

  5. "The underpants-hybrid of my people." LOL! :)

  6. cleaning is overrated
    and my son likes the boxer briefs I thank you and your people for this buck :)

  7. I'm glad you 'splained about the boxer-briefs on husbands thing. I was about to get a peculiar feeling. Hubby has a draw full of them, bless his little E-cupper heart.
